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Concrete CureGuard Curing Agent



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Concrete CureGuard Curing Agent is a liquid bonding and curing compound that is made using latex, acrylic, and wetting ingredients that have been specifically blended. Concrete CureGuard Curing Agent is used to ensure uniform hydration, sufficient strength development, and a reduction in plastic shrinkage cracks on concrete surfaces in order to strengthen concrete, GRC, and panels.
As a sealing coat, Concrete CureGuard Curing Agent will shield concrete surfaces from the damaging effects of ambient carbon dioxide gas and water-borne salts. 
Concrete CureGuard Curing Agent is a water based, advanced formula, curing  compound. It controls water retention and evaporation rates in newly placed concrete to provide added strength and protection. When water can't evaporate quickly, the result is a stronger, more durable substrate that has a higher compressive  strength. The concrete will resist shrinkage that is normally associated with the curing process, as well  as cracking or other damage that can result from seasonal contraction and expansion.
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Technical Details of Concrete CureGuard Curing Agent

Characteristics Result
Appearance White Liquid
Boiling Point ~100 deg C
Specific Gravity ~1
Water Solubility Soluble

Uses of CONCRETE CURING AGENT - Concrete CureGuard Curing Agent in CONSTRUCTION

  • Exterior and interior, horizontal & vertical  concrete surfaces

  • Pre‐cast or pre‐stressed members

  • Cure freshly poured concrete

  • Residential, commercial and industrial applications

  • Acts as resistance against chemical attacks

  • Parking structures, driveways, patios, walkways

  • Manufacturing, assembly and warehouse facilities

  • The product is recommended for use in cement admixtures as curing additive.

Concrete CureGuard Curing Agent allows direct application of several coatings as per below:
  • Bituminous emulsions 
  • Acrylic coatings 
  • Water based emulsion paints 
  • Epoxy resin coatings 
  • Polymer modified cement 
Concrete CureGuard Curing Agent is a free flowing, homogenious, aqueous wax emulsion. This product is cationic in nature.
On fresh concrete or rendering as soon as the gloss of the surface becomes mat, and the bleeding stops, Concrete CureGuard Curing Agent is sprayed on the surface using a hand operated spray gun. Concrete CureGuard Curing Agent can be applied as well by roller or brush. In case of over coating, it is recommended to check the adhesion & compatibility of the new coat and concrete surface treated with Concrete CureGuard Curing Agent before application.


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