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Title SKU Also known as Short Description Inquiry
RXSOL-30-1009-210 Its rapid evaporation rate enables it to be used for cleaning and decreasing of electrical equipment,motor winding etc. Inquiry
RXSOL-30-1091-025 Its rapid evaporation rate with super degreasing action enables it to be used for cleaning and degreasing of electrical equipment,motor winding etc. Inquiry
RXSOL-16-1009-030 Its rapid evaporation rate enables it to be used for cleaning and decreasing of electrical equipment,motor winding etc. Inquiry
RXSOL-16-1688-025 Suitable for cleaning sensitive electronics and electrical equipment without leaving a residue. Evaporates quickly, leaves no residue and is safe to use on all plastics. Inquiry
RXSOL-16-1670-025 Electric Pannel cleaner Inquiry
RXSOL-16-1077-025 LOW Evaporation Degreasing electrical equipment.It provides immediate and efficient removal with a high evaporation rate. Inquiry
RXSOL-10-1738-025 Electrical Non Flammable safe degreaser for Electric Motor and Equipment Cleaning Inquiry
RXSOL-30-1340-005 Record Cleaning IPA Isopropyl alcohol Solution mixture Inquiry
RXSOL-16-1093-025 Super Degreasing power with surfactants which eliminates Cleaning Degreasing and rust removal from electrical equipment. Inquiry
RXSOL-16-1090-025 Quick evaporation rate and resulting for Cleaningand Degreasing of electrical equipment.It provides immediate and efficient removal with a high evaporation rate. Inquiry
RXSOL-16-1077-020 Excellent Cleaner for Electric Parts Having super Degreasing power with slow evaporation rate Inquiry
RXSOL-16-1076-030 Electrosol NF 30 Kgs Inquiry
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