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Title SKU Also known as Short Description Inquiry

REMIDOL 4000, Hibitol 2000, Indion 175, Visco 3900, Nevamine, Hydrosure O-3670R, Hydrotesting Corrosion Inhibitor, Visco Nalco 3900, Tretolite WF-166, Hydro Testing Corrosion Inhibitor 220 Kg PACK

Hydro-testing corrosion protection for Pipeline, Tank contains corrosion inhibitor, oxygen scavenger and biocide Inquiry

Accepta 2336, INHIBITOR BORATE NITRATE LIQUID COMPOUND, Corroban 40 Nitrite Corrosion Inhibitor

High performance nitrite-borate formulation with an additional organic inhibitor for closed circuit inhibitor to protect steel, copper and other non-ferrous metals Inquiry

Accepta 2508, Ferrofos 8577, MAXTREAT 2715, INDION 8176 ANTI SCALE DISPERSANT OR EQUIVALENT MAXTREAT 2715, Corrosion and Scale Inhibitor for open and closed cooling systems ECO, Aquatreat 202, PERFORMAX PM3601

Scale and corrosion inhibitors for open recirculating cooling water systems Inquiry

Accepta 2336, Corrosion Inhibitor for Cooling Pipes, Corroban 40, NALCO TRAC 109, MAXTREAT 2512,Houseman Geypt C.T.652 E

High performance nitrite based closed circuit inhibitor. Inquiry

Corrosion Inhibitors For Non Ferrous Metals

Anti-Scalant for use in closed cooling water systems , for preventing corrosion and scale Formation in Internal combustion engines, compressor cooling system, DG -set at high or low temperature. It is a concentrated liquid , also used as a corrosion inhib Inquiry

Nickel Sulphate - 6 H2o Battery & Plating Grade

Nickel Sulphate - 6 H2o Battery & Plating Grade Inquiry


RXSOL scale inhibitors are customized to prevent mineral deposition while also removing deposits which have already formed. Inquiry

Maxtreat 2910,Coronil 202

New Generation product fo use as Corrosion Inhibitor for Chiller closed systems Inquiry

BIOSPERSE 250, Biosperse - 50, VCT - 4804,BIOSPERSE 50VCT 48O4

Biosperse biocide for control of bacteria, fungi and algae in industrial water systems such as recirculating water systems, pasteurizers, air washer systems, membrane separation systems, coatings, emulsion polymers and adhesives. Inquiry

Biocide For Cooling Water,Biocide Nalco 73500

Closed Loop Biocides, chilled water prevent and eradicate unwanted biological fouling from the system. Inquiry

Dorsal 224

RXSOL ORG - 16 (Condenser Water Scale & Corrosion Inhibitor) is a unique blend of organic scale and corrosion inhibitors. Inquiry

DEWT NC, Liquid EWT, Cooling Water Treatment Corrosion Inhibitor, Jacket Water Inhibitor, NALCO 2000, Nclt Diesel, LIQUID Corrosion GUARD 2000, ENGINE JACKET WATER CONDITIONER, GyROCCORRX W.C., Aquafine 103, Care Treat, CWT-NT Chemo, NCT-105 L NORCHEM, 6, MAXIGUARD, Diesel Guard Liq 25 Ltr,Diesel Guard Nb Liquid, Dieselguard Nb Liq 25 Ltr

Highly concentrated liquid cooling treatment compound, ferrous & Non ferrous corrosion inhibitors, antiscalants , dispersant and buffer solution of non carbonate.Usefull for use in high or low temperature closed cooling water systems for the prevention of Inquiry

Silkolene Procool , BP Procool

The product is based on inhibitor, glycol and hence gives a very safe level of toxicity when compared to ethylene glycol based Coolant. Inquiry
RXSOL-43-3063-030 Lithium molybdate is used as corrosion inhibitor in LiBr absorption chiller for industrial central air conditioning. Inquiry
RXSOL-43-6604-026 It is a reducing agent, Ferrous sulfate is mainly used as a precursor to other iron compounds Inquiry
RXSOL-43-4063-210 It is a water based low toxicity environmentally friendly nitrite free carboxylate inhibitor Inquiry
RXSOL-40-4031-025 Cooling Water Biocide to control microbiological growth Inquiry
RXSOL-43-8160-025 Triazine-based biocides are a type of Bactericide, Bacteriostat, and Fungistat that contain Triazine as their active ingredient Inquiry
RXSOL-40-4013-020 Closed cooling water systems for the prevention of corrosion and scale formation in internal combustion engines, compressors, chiller system and DG sets. Inquiry
RXSOL-40-4091-210 Metallic corrosion and scale controlling advanced formulated product for cooling systems ( open and closed cooling systems ). Inquiry
RXSOL-40-4048-025 BIOCIDE ALGAECIDE effectively controls microorganisms (bacteria, fungi and algae) in industrial recirculating water systems Inquiry
RXSOL-40-4011-025 Premium Quality Alkaline Corrosion Inhibitor blend for Metal protection inside the CLOSED circulating system Inquiry
RXSOL-40-4008-210 Very effective controler of BACTERIA and corrosion from closed loop chilled water system. Inquiry
RXSOL-43-4301-109 Unique formulation with highly concentrated liquid cooling treatment compound, ferrous & Non ferrous corrosion inhibitors, antiscalants , dispersant and buffer solution of non carbonate.Usefull for use in high or low temperature closed cooling water syste Inquiry
RXSOL-40-4003-025 Anti fungal based dispersing cleaner for the control of fouling by marine growth such as algae, shellfish, mussels, barnacles and micro-organisms and fungal growth in the sea water side of coolings systems. Due to its molecular firm foaming properties, it Inquiry
RXSOL-43-8160-210 Triazine-based biocides are a type of Bactericide, Bacteriostat, and Fungistat that contain Triazine as their active ingredient Inquiry
RXSOL-43-8160-275 DTPMPA powerful Chelating and Anti corrosion, Defloculating agent. Inquiry
RXSOL-43-3067-025 Isothiazolinone CMIT/MIT 14 is high performance, broad spectrum, antimicrobial agents based on the proven isothiazolone chemistry. Inquiry
RXSOL-43-4098-025 It is a highly effective synergistic biocide and biodispersant possessing both bactericidal and algaecidal properties for use in cooling water systems and industrial process waters. Inquiry
RXSOL-43-4091-220 Metallic corrosion and scale controlling advanced formulated product for open and closed cooling systems. Inquiry
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