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Title SKU Also known as Short Description Inquiry
RXSOL-67-6707-025 Applications include food processing, starch modification, pharmaceuticals, and potable water treatment. Inquiry
RXSOL-67-2213-060 Lime out cleaner for changing hard deposits of LIME into loose bond in sludge formation, chemically its neutralizing lime of alkali and breaking solid deposited bond of LIME from ship cargo hold and storage tanks. Inquiry
RXSOL-67-2550-005 The product can be used as the raw material to produce kinds of detergent, emulsion such as laundry powder, dish wash cleaner in daily chemical industrial. Inquiry
RXSOL-67-6705-025 Polymeric Waterproofing Coating Inquiry
RXSOL-41-8902-025 Professional High Gloss Lacquer Inquiry
RXSOL-41-8936-025 It is an antimicrobial and preservative used in a wide variety of applications, such as cleaning and building products. Inquiry
RXSOL-41-8609-025 RXSOL densifier chemically fills in pores and capillaries in concrete for a smoother surface and to increase surface density Inquiry
RXSOL-41-8394-025 Foam Solvent Carpet Shampoo Inquiry
RXSOL-60-6010-025 The chemical formula of calcium chloride is CaCl2, and its molar mass is 110.983 g/mol. It is an ionic compound. Inquiry
RXSOL-67-1410-025 Oxalic Acid Liquid Inquiry
RXSOL-22-2202-020 Cement Floor Cleaner gives new surface floor effect as Over time, concrete surfaces such as patios, driveways and sidewalks, Inquiry
RXSOL-19-1637-050 Hydrated Lime Food Grade Inquiry
RXSOL-19-1629-210 High quality material and available in light and heavy forms. The excellent properties of Creosote Oil work for preserving posts and wood Inquiry
RXSOL-17-1063-025 safely clean and deodorize any type of porcelain facility - toilet bowls, sinks and tubs, tile and shower stalls, chrome, and stainless steel.BRUTE removes hard water scale safely Inquiry
RXSOL-67-6702-005 Best and Economical products for Concrete & Brick Sealer for protection of damp and water penetration through brick, cement and concrete. Inquiry
RXSOL-67-6703-005 Concrete Fast Setting accelerators provide very high early strengths. Inquiry
RXSOL-20-T300-020 Multi - prupose heavy duty cleaing soap solution used as a common dirt remover in residential, commercial and industrial cleaning processes. Inquiry
RXSOL-19-1518-025 Sodium Gluconate also used as concrete retarder. Inquiry
RXSOL-19-1370-210 Used in building materials, such as some types of glass and cement (especially Portland cement), bricks and tiles for roofs, fireproof ceilings, and building boards. Inquiry
RXSOL-19-1129-025 Applications for this Product : Cleaning · Personal Care · Plastics. Inquiry
RXSOL-67-6701-020 CEMENT Additive for Strength Inquiry
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