Bleaching Liq 1 Ltr
Bleach, which is also referred to as Chlorox or Dixichlor, is the trade name for Sodium Hypochlorite solution (11-13%
Bleaching Liq
Bleach, which is also referred to as Chlorox or Dixichlor, is the trade name for Sodium Hypochlorite solution (11-13%) and
Bleach for Colour Safe OxiBrite
Usefull for brighten materials with bright colors, as well as to facilitate the removal of stains from cl
Bird Pigeon Repellent Gel
INTERT OIL BASED THIXOTROPIC BIRD DETERRENT GEL RXSOL Bird / Pigeon Repellent Gel is suitable for preventing t
BIOKIL Disinfectants
RXSOL-15-3334-005 is a very powerful and stable oxidizing disinfectant Principal Action of this product Chemically b
BenzalKonium Chloride BKC
Benzalkonium BKC manufacturer, supplier and exporter.
Code: RXSOL-15-1599-025
Battery Acid 20 Ltrs
It has a high electrical conductivity ( measures a material's ability to conduct an electric current ) , caused by
Bath Room Cleaner 500 ml
Concentrate degreaser blended with only the finest based chemicals formulation just for degreaser baths and mac
Bath Room Cleaner
Washroom & Bathroom Cleaner Washroom / Bathroom Cleaner is effective against a wide range of bacteria including str
BactiBarrier Detergent Disinfectant is a cleaner and disinfectant also classified as a bactericide,
Aqua Wash Cleaner
Aqua Wash Cleaner is a superior degreaser also can be utilized as general purpose cleaning and degreasing agent for rem