DI P TOLUOYL D TARTARIC ACID MONOHYDRATE is White to off-white powder. Molecular formula, C20H20O9.Structural formula Toluoyl-D-Tartaric Acid Mo.Water Max 5.00%
O,O'-di-p-toluoyl-(2R,3R)-tartaric acid (DPTTA) was investigated as supramolecular complex (SMC) forming resolving agent with three racemic alcohols (menthol, 4-methyl-2-pentanol, trans-2-iodo-cyclohexanol) by preparative scale experiments and thermoanalytical measurements. Despite the very small structural difference (two methyl groups) between the O,O'-dibenzoyl-(2R,3R)-tartaric acid (DBTA) and DPTTA, their SMC forming properties with water and racemic alcohols is very different