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KT-SOL PLUS Heavy Duty

KT-SOL PLUS Heavy Duty
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KT SOL PLUS Ship tank and Hold Cleaning Marine Chemicals manufacturer and supplier in India, UAE, Muscat, Mumbai, JNPT, Mundra, Kandla Gandhidham, Surat Jamnagar, Hazira, Chennai, Hazira, Ennore, Vizag, Gangavaram, Krishanapatnam, Paradip, Haldia, Fujairah, Sharjah, Ajman, Abudhabi, Dubai, Ruwi Ghala, Sohar Barka, Oman, Muscat, Sudan, Yemen, Canada


Suitable product for Cargo hold cleaning after coal and pet coke. RXSOL-20-3201-025  is a superior Heavy duty and highly concentrated Alkaline Cleaner, containing specially selected surfactant and powerful long chain organic syndet , specific salts with surfactants & wetting agents . It is low toxic product with an exceptional solvency power on soil & oily matter for oil residues, hydrocarbon residues, inert gas residues and residues of soot and combustion. Removal of black/brownish residues after cargoes like crude benzene, creosote dirty naphtha, pygas, gas condensate etc.. It is free from Hydrocarbon solvents and Phosphates Biodegradable and minimizes the extreme hazards to personnel in handling materials. It is  suitable for cargo hold cleaning after coal and pet coke.

Cause no danger to human health and to the environment
No dangerous good in regulation of transport (land, sea and air)


Tag Identification


Product Properties:


Pale / Brownish liquid   


Spec. gravity more than 1.035




No known effect


No known effect   


Alkaline ( 12.7 - 13 )

Flash point

Not Applicable  


100% soluble in water 


Size (in Litres)


RXSOL MARINE CHEMICALS is one of largest  Ship Hold Cleaning and Tank Cleaning chemicals manufacturer and supplier in India, United Arab Emirates and Oman. RXSOL MARINE CHEMICALS easily available with small and Big size packing in Mumbai, Kandla, Mundra, Navlakhi, Haldia, Kolkata, Paradip, Visakhapatnam, Chennai Ennore, Fujairah Dubai Sharjah Abudhabi, Ajman, Sohar, BArka, Muscat Oman.


Concentrate can be diluted 5 to 10% and during application diluted solution can be kept for 5-10 minutes on surface. Then finally use high pressure jet water. Always remember never keep cleaing solution dry on hold surface.

RXSOL-20-3201-025  is a superior Heavy duty and highly concentrated Alkaline Cleaner, containing specially selected surfactant and powerful long chain organic syndet , specific salts with surfactants & wetting agents . It is low toxic product with an exceptional solvency power on soil & oily matter for oil residues, hydrocarbon residues, inert gas residues and residues of soot and combustion. Removal of black/brownish residues after cargoes like crude benzene, creosote dirty naphtha, pygas, gas condensate etc.. It is free from Hydrocarbon solvents and Phosphates Biodegradable and minimizes the extreme hazards to personnel in handling materials. Suitable for for cargo hold cleaning after coal and pet coke, ALso  suitable for TANK CLEANING

Cause no danger to human health and to the environment
No dangerous good in regulation of transport (land, sea and air)

KT Plus ship hold cleaning alkaline cleaner.


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