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Conductivity Powder

Conductivity powder for ground earthing also known as back fill compound. Principally this coductivity powder works as chemical earthing in software companies to arrest the lightening during rainy season. It protects the devices from short circuit and accidents.

Ground Earthing enhancement materials are high conductivity materials, which are designed to lower ground system resistance and  improve grounding effectiveness in high resistivity soil conditions.



• It helps and works as ground earthing mineral.
• It is effective as a current filtering agent.
• It promotes electric curent stability.
• It can be added directly to earthing soil area.

The specification is as below :-
Natural graphite - 20%
Sodium bentonite - 30%
Gypsum powder - 10%
Megnatite -  2%
Cadmium  - 10 ppm
Lead - 22 ppm
Mercury - 10 ppm
Chromium - 5 ppm
Monobromobyphenyle - 3 ppm
Electrical conductivity - 1 ohm
After making gel mixture with water ,  conductivity is below 1 ohm.
This ground earthing powder is known as back fill compound which is used for chemical earthing in software companies to arrest the lightening during rainy season. It protects the devices from short circuit and accidents.
Soil Electrical Earthing Agent  Exporter and Supplier


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