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How to determine aluminum content of a sample

How to determine aluminum content of a sample

Aluminium, Eriochrome Cynine R Method (20-300 ppb)

Hydroxide Alkalinity

The method for hydroxide alkalinity is considered accurate only to within 10 per cent. High silica, organic matter and aluminates can interfere with the determination, as will the bases mentioned above. High sulfate content in the sample can produce turbidity which may mask the endpoint. However, the method for hydroxide alkalinity is satisfactory for routine control and can be valuable in the control of lime-soda softening.

Aluminium is one of the most abundant metals in the earth’s crust. Contact between natural waters and rock, soil and clay accounts for the presence of aluminium in these waters. The amount of aluminium added by these natural processes is small, however compared to that which can appear as residual from a clarifier. Many clarifier and pretreatment use some form of alum coagulation, and any upset or excess of alum results in high aluminium concentrations. Therefore, the determination of aluminium in industrial waters is made principally for clarifier control.


Theory of Test

Soluble aluminium reacts with Eriochrome cyanine R dye to produce a red or pink color. This color is proportional to the aluminium content of the sample and can be measured with a photometer.

Apparatus Required

Filter photometer complete with assorted laboratory glassware; pH meter with combination glass electrode.


Chemicals Required

Acetic Acid - Sodium Acetate Buffer Aluminium Standard

Ascorbic Acid Solution

Disodium Ethylenediamine Tetra-acetate (EDTA), 0.01M Eriochrome Cyanine R Dye Indicator

Hydrochloric Acid,

50% Methyl Orange Indicator

Sodium Hydroxide,

1.0N Sulfuric Acid, 0.02N; 6.0N

Procedure for Test

This procedure uses a wavelength of 535 nm and a cell with a path length of approximately 10 mm. A calibration or working curve for the photometer is constructed by using successive dilutions of the stock aluminium solution. Prior to performing the test, all glassware should be rinsed thoroughly with warm 50 per cent HCl and washed copiously with aluminium free distilled water to avoid contamination.

Preparation of Calibration Curve

To a 25-ml volumetric flask, add the appropriate amount of aluminium standard needed to adequately cover the anticipated range of aluminium in the sample to be tested. Add distilled water to bring the volume to approximately 12 ml; then add 0.5 ml of 0.02N Sulphuric acid and mix. Next add 0.5 ml of ascorbic acid solution and again mix. Add 5 ml of buffer solution, mix, and add

2.5 ml (accurately with a pipet) of the Eriochrome cyanine R dye indicator. Next bring the total volume in the flask to 25 ml by adding distilled water. Transfer this solution to a photometer cell and read the absorbance after five minutes. Do not wait longer than 15 minutes for this reading as the color then begins to fade. A solution containing all the above reagents except aluminium is  used for setting the instrument blank at zero.


Sample Treatment in the Absence of Fluoride and Phosphate

When the sample is known to be free of both fluoride and phosphate, the following procedure can be used. Transfer 12.5 ml of sample into a porcelain casserole, add several drops of methyl orange indicator, and titrate with 0.02N sulfuric acid to a faint pink color. Record the milliliters of acid added.

Into each to two 25 ml volumetric flasks add 12.5 ml of sample (70 to 75F) and the same amount of 0.02N sulfuric acid as determined above plus 0.5 ml of excess acid.

To one of the samples add 0.5 of 0.01MEDTA. This solution will be used as the instrument blank and adjusts for any color and turbidity present in the sample. Beyond this point each flask is treated in an identical fashion. Add 0.5-ml ascorbic acid solution, 5.0 ml of buffer, and mix. Then add 2.5 ml (accurately with a pipet) of Eriochrome Cyanine R dye indicator and dilute to the 25-ml mark with distilled water. Transfer each solution to a photometer cell.

The instrument is adjusted to zero absorbance with the EDTA blank. Read the sample absorbance of each solution between 5 and 15 minutes.

Modification when phosphates are present

To a 50 ml sample in a flask, add 0.9 ml of 6.0N sulfuric acid. Place the flask on a hot plate and boil gently for 90 minutes while maintaining the sample volume near the 15 ml mark by adding distilled water as needed. Allow the sample to cool to room temperature. Adjust the pH of the solution to 4.3 to 4.5 as measured with a pH meter, with 1.0N sodium hydroxide. Bring the  solution volume back up to 50 ml by adding distilled water, mix and use 12.5 ml portion for the aluminium test.

Run a blank in the same manner as described above; use 50 ml of distilled water and 0.9 ml of  6.0N sulfuric acid. This blank is used to set the instrument at zero absorbance before reading the sample.


Calculation of Results

The aluminium concentration, in parts per million as Al, is equal to the value obtained by reference to the aluminium calibration curve.

Limitations of Test

This method provides a simple means of estimating the aluminum content in industrial waters. Fluoride is rarely encountered in industrial water. If fluoride is present in the water, suitable correction must be made to account for the negative interference. Polyphosphates give rise to a negative interference at all levels. To eliminate this interference the polyphosphate is reverted to orthophosphate by the modification given above. Orthophosphate only begins to exhibit a negative interference at levels greater than 10 ppm. Positive interference due to iron and manganese, two elements frequently found in water, is eliminated by the addition of ascorbic acid.

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