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Peracetic Acid 15%

Product Description | Product Application | Product Notes| Product DOSE
Peracetic acid supplier and Exporter from INDIA. A water like clear & colorless liquid. An aqueous equilibrium solution containing peracetic acid, Hydrogen peroxide, acetic acid and special stab [+] Read More...
Other Equivalent Brand

PAA 15%, PAA 5%, P3 Oxonia Active, Peracetic acid (PAA), Peroxyacetic acid, Ethaneperoxy acid, Peroxyethanoic acid, Equilibrium peracetic acid, Proxitane

Short Description:
Peracetic acid is an environmentally safe and versatile anti-microbial agent and a powerful antioxidant
Generic Name:
Also as cooling tower disinfectant
Active Matter:
Peracetic Acid 15%
Sanitizer in breweries, beverage, juices, food processing and equipment : meat, bakery, poultry, sea food and disinfection in hospital (facility sanitization)
Using Procedure:
Formula                                       : CH3COOOH   CAS NO.                                      : 79-21-0   Synonyms                                   : Peracetic acid, Acetyl Hydroperoxide [+] Read More...
Product performance : Best if used within 12 months and stored at 35ºC MAX   Test Method : Determination of the concentration by titration with Sodium Thiosulphate.   Handling & Storage   Safe [+] Read More...
Technical Specifications:
 Characteristics   Unit  Specifications  Test    Method
Peracetic acid  %w/w        15 min TPL QCWK-6002
H2O2 %w/w          9-12 TPL QCWK-6001
Active Oxygen %w/w         8 min TPL QCWK-6003
Acetic acid %w/w        35 min TPL QCWK-6004
pH of 1% solution      -       3.0 max TPL QCWK-1002
Sp.Gravity @25 + 1๐ C      -       1.0 min TPL QCWK-1009
Color   H.U       15 max TPL QCWK-1008
Appearance      -         Clear TPL QCWK-1008
Formula                      : CH3COOOH
CAS NO.                     : 79-21-0
Synonyms                 : Peracetic acid, Acetyl Hydroperoxide
Molecular weight     : 76.05 g/mole
Physical and Chemical properties:
Form              : Liquid
Color             : Clear, Colorless
Odor              : Strong purgent

Oxidizing agent, causes severe burns. May cause fire. Harmful by Inhalation, in contact with skin and if swallowed.

Peracetic acid is an environmentally safe and versatile anti-microbial agent and a powerful antioxidant. Peracetic Acid can be applied for the deactivation of a large variety of pathogenic microorganisms. It also deactivates viruses and spores. Peracetic Acid activity is hardly influenced by organic compounds that are present in the Water. Peracetic Acid is used mainly in the Food Industry, where it is applied as a cleanser and as a disinfectant. It is applied for bacteria and fungi removal. It was also used for the disinfection of recycled rinsing water for foodstuffs.

Peracetic acid is applied for the disinfection of medical supplies and to prevent bio film formation in pulp industries. It can be applied during water purification as a disinfectant and for Plumming Disinfection. Peracetic acid is suitable for cooling tower water disinfection; it effectively prevents bio film formation and controls Legionella bacteria. It’s an alternative for chlorine, sodium hypochlorite and chlorine dioxide. It decomposes into biodegradable components and doesn’t create chlorinated compounds or harmful disinfection by-products.
Grades available: PAA 5%, 12%, 15% & 20% (customized concentration can also be explored).
Packing: In 30kg and 200kg polythene drums with vented type cap.


Peroxyacetic acid (also known as peracetic acid or PAA) is an organic peroxide based, colorless liquid with a low pH and a strong, pungent, vinegar-like odor. In the concentrated form it is highly corrosive and unstable. PAA is formed from the reaction of acetic acid and hydrogen peroxide. Commercial PAA products contain all three chemicals in an aqueous solution often with stabilizers added. The concentration of PAA as the active ingredient, as well as the mixture of the other ingredients, can vary widely.

PAA is used in food and beverage industries as well as hospitals, health care and pharmaceutical facilities as an antimicrobial agent, surface cleaner and sanitizer. In many meat and poultry establishments it is used on carcasses, parts, trim and organs to reduce bacterial contamination and foot spoilage. It can be applied by a variety of methods including spray cabinet, dip tank, hand spray pump and chiller.

How are FSIS employees potentially exposed to PAA in their workplaces?

FSIS employees can potentially be exposed to PAA when it is used as an antimicrobial or acidifier in ways that fail to properly contain or ventilate the product. The following are some examples of how IPP could potentially be exposed if controls are not properly in place:

  • Off-gassing from chillers;

  • Over spray from spray cabinet openings and high nozzle pressure;

  • Lack of local exhaust ventilation on spray cabinets;

  • Inadequate ventilation in kill floor area;

  • Direct discharge of waste solution from cabinets and tanks directly onto the floor;

  • Failure to properly control solution pH;

  • Chemical mixing in floor drains; and

  • Hand application with spray tanks.

The latest version of FSIS Directive 7120.1, “Safe and Suitable Ingredients Used in the Production of Meat, Poultry, and Egg Products”, contains a list of PAA containing substances and the concentrations that may be used for specific purposes in meat, poultry and egg product establishments. PAA solutions are currently approved for use in PAA concentrations ranging from 50 to 2,000 parts per million (ppm).

ESHG-Health-03.00 FSIS Environmental, Safety and Health Group (ESHG) 1

What are the potential health effects of exposure to PAA?

Concentrated forms of PAA solution are corrosive and exposure can cause irreversible damage to skin and eyes. When PAA is used in establishments for antimicrobial applications, it is used in diluted concentrations (ranging from 50 to 2,000 ppm in solution). Exposure to PAA in the dilute form as a vapor or mist may sometimes cause eye, nose, throat and respiratory irritation that usually subsides when exposure ceases. Currently, there is no correlation between a specific concentration in solution and the resulting concentration in air or the level of irritation expected. IPP should be aware that, in general, pre-existing respiratory conditions may be aggravated by exposure to airborne irritants.

What OSHA Standards and exposure guidelines apply to PAA?

There are no specific OSHA standards for PAA. The American Conference of Governmental Hygienists (ACGIH) recommends a Threshold Limit Value (TLV) of 0.4 ppm, as a 15-minute Short Term Exposure Limit (STEL). ACGIH also does not consider PAA to be classifiable as a human carcinogen.

The ACGIH TLV is currently used in the meat and poultry industry as a general guideline for determining PAA health exposures. Therefore, when airborne concentrations of PAA exceed this value, action should be taken to limit exposure by leaving the work area until the reason for the elevated concentration can be identified and resolved.

The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) is in the process of determining the concentration of PAA that should be considered Immediately Dangerous to Life and Health (IDLH). This document will be updated with that value when it is published.

How are occupational exposures to PAA monitored or measured?

There are no validated OSHA or NIOSH air sampling methods for PAA. Both agencies are investigating and developing a reliable method. This document will be updated when more information if available.

ESHG-Health-03.00 FSIS Environmental, Safety and Health Group (ESHG) 2

There are also several portable, direct reading monitors which are commercially available for sampling PAA. However, these monitors are not specific for PAA but can react to many types of oxidizing chemicals (such as chlorine, ozone and hydrogen peroxide). The monitor sensors are also sensitive to water, humidity and temperature making them difficult to use reliably in many establishments where PAA is used. The FSIS Environmental, Safety and Health Group (ESHG) is currently evaluating these monitors for use in the field.

What safety precautions can be followed to protect FSIS employees against exposure to PAA?

The most effective ways to prevent over-exposure to PAA is to minimize the amount of vapor, mist or droplets that come into direct contact with employees by providing adequate containment, ventilation, and process controls.

Some potential controls that establishments can put in place to minimize exposure are :

• Spray cabinets can be enclosed enough so that significant amounts of mists or droplets are not released through the entrance or exit to the cabinet.
• Local exhaust ventilation can be used to remove mists directly from the

• Clear plastic or stainless steel shields can be used to deflect spray from

contacting inspectors.
• Spray cabinets can be installed as far as practical from inspection stations. • Closed drain lines can be used for wastewater discharges from the cabinets

to the floor drains.
• If there is an issue with chemical mixing in floor drains, a dedicated drain line in the floor troughs can be used to carry the wastewater to an area where discharge will not cause safety issues.

• Adequate general ventilation can be provided using properly designed exhaust fans and fresh air supply units.

• PAA solutions can be monitored and controlled for concentration, pH, and temperature to reduce off-gassing, as specified by the system supplier.

How can an IIC ensure compliance with the OSHA Hazard Communication Standard for this Chemical?

1. The IIC is responsible for ensuring that the requirements of FSIS Directive 4791.5, “Hazard Communication Program” are met.

This includes:

ESHG-Health-03.00 FSIS Environmental, Safety and Health Group (ESHG) 3

• Ensuring the List of Hazardous Chemicals used or stored on site is available in the USDA office as required by Directive 4791.5 Attachment 1 Section II. This list is usually limited to antimicrobials, sanitizers, and refrigerants.

• The Safety Data Sheet (SDS) library location is noted on the signature page of Directive 4791.5 Attachment 1.

• Ensuring hazardous chemical containers are appropriately labeled.

2. The IIC is to provide training to all FSIS employees (including relief inspectors) for all chemical hazards in the workplace. Training includes:

  • Allowing IPP access to and time to read the SDS.

  • The location of hazardous chemicals that IPP may be exposed under routine and emergency conditions.

• Monitoring systems (if any) used to detect the presence or release of a hazardous chemical in the work area.

• How IPP can identify the presence or release of a hazardous chemical (e.g. visual appearance or odor of chemicals).

  • The location of the required list of chemicals.

  • The location of the SDS library.

  • Steps IPP can take to protect themselves from hazardous exposure.

  • Emergency procedures found on FSIS form 4791-21.

4. The IIC can use information from the SDS and the chemical label for training material and any additional information provided by the chemical supplier and/or establishment regarding the working solutions and use concentrations to which IPP may be exposed in their work areas.

All occupational health and safety training is to be recorded using either AgLearn or FSIS form 3530-12. Training records are to include the topics covered, date, and employee name. The Agency is to retain all training records for a minimum of five years.

 Product:              Peracetic Acid (15% Concentration)
                             (Organic Peroxide Type F, Liquid (Peroxyacetic Acid, Stabilised)
CAS No.:              79-21-0
TDS:                     Attached for your kind reference
This product is used in:
Disinfecting & sterilizing equipment and packaging food quality and safety.
Protecting animal health and welfare by disinfecting houses and equipment.
Providing PAA for the final treatment step in Wastewater purification.
Cleaning and disinfecting Industrial laundries used by hospitals and hotels.
Washing fruits, vegetables and meats to protect against harmful pathogens and food spoilage without impacting the food quality.
Oxygenating soil through Irrigation systems in the Agricultural Industry.
Protecting against biofouling in Paper production.  

Peracetic Acid supplier in Mumbai, Muscat, Chennai, Kolkata, Fujairah, Ajman, Abudhabi, Sharjah, Dubai, UAE, Ruwi, Barka, Muscat Oman, Sohar, Surat, Ganhidham, Visakhapatnam, Nairobi, Kenya, Sudan, Yemen, Africa

Peracetic Acid 15%
Packing Size:
30.00 Kg.Liq
Available Packing Size:
25 kg. HDPE Drum, 240 kg. HDPE Drum, 1000 kg. IBC
#MarineChemical #TankCleaner #OilFieldChemical #ChemicalManufacturer #ChemicalSupplier #WaterTreatmentChemical #ROchemicals #ReverseOsmosisChemical #Dispersant
#Demulsifier #WaterlessHandCleaner #AirCoolerCleaner #CarbonRemover #ScaleRemover #ActivatedAlumina #ActivatedCarbon #SilicaGel #Degreaser_Biodegradable
#DieselExhaustFluid #BlueLiquid #ToiletBlueWater_Juice #RigWash #OxygenScavenger #CoolingWaterTreatment #RoccorNB #CorrosionInhibitor #CalciumChloride #DIwater
#AlumPowder #MagnesiumSulphate #SodaAsh #SulfamicAcid #PotassiumChloride

Peracetic acid 5%

Product Description | Product Application | Product Notes| Product DOSE
Peracetic acid supplier and Exporter from INDIA. A water like clear & colorless liquid.An aqueous equilibrium solution containing peracetic acid, Hydrogen peroxide, acetic acid and special stabi [+] Read More...
Other Equivalent Brand

PAA 5%, P3 Oxonia Active, Peracetic acid PAA, Peroxyacetic acid, Ethaneperoxy acid, Peroxyethanoic acid, Equilibrium peracetic acid, Proxitane

Short Description:
Peracetic acid is an environmentally safe and versatile anti-microbial agent and a powerful antioxidant
Generic Name:
Peroxyacetic acid
Active Matter:
Peracetic acid 5%
Sanitizer in breweries, beverage, juices, food processing and equipment : meat, bakery, poultry, sea food and disinfection in hospital (facility sanitization)
Using Procedure:
Formula                                       : CH3COOOH   CAS NO.                                      : 79-21-0   Synonyms                                   : Peracetic acid, Acetyl Hydroperoxide [+] Read More...
Product performance : Best if used within 12 months and stored at 35ºC MAX   Test Method : Determination of the concentration by titration with Sodium Thiosulphate.   Handling & Storage   S [+] Read More...
Technical Specifications:
Peracetic acid  %w/w            5 min
H2O2  %w/w           20 min
Active Oxygen  %w/w           9 min
Acetic acid  %w/w          11 min
pH of 1% solution     -          3.0 max
Sp.Gravity @25+1๐ C     -         1.0 min
Color   H.U         15 max
Appearance     -         Clear
Oxidizing agent, causes severe burns. May cause fire. Harmful by Inhalation, in contact with skin and if swallowed.

Peracetic Acid supplier in Mumbai, Muscat, Chennai, Kolkata, Fujairah, Ajman, Abudhabi, Sharjah, Dubai, UAE, Ruwi, Barka, Muscat Oman, Sohar, Surat, Ganhidham, Visakhapatnam, Nairobi, Kenya, Sudan, Yemen, Africa

Peracetic acid 5%
Packing Size:
30.00 Kg.Liq
Available Packing Size:
25 kg. HDPE Drum, 240 kg. HDPE Drum, 1000 kg. IBC
Article News:
#MarineChemical #TankCleaner #OilFieldChemical #ChemicalManufacturer #ChemicalSupplier #WaterTreatmentChemical #ROchemicals #ReverseOsmosisChemical #Dispersant
#Demulsifier #WaterlessHandCleaner #AirCoolerCleaner #CarbonRemover #ScaleRemover #ActivatedAlumina #ActivatedCarbon #SilicaGel #Degreaser_Biodegradable
#DieselExhaustFluid #BlueLiquid #ToiletBlueWater_Juice #RigWash #OxygenScavenger #CoolingWaterTreatment #RoccorNB #CorrosionInhibitor #CalciumChloride #DIwater
#AlumPowder #MagnesiumSulphate #SodaAsh #SulfamicAcid #PotassiumChloride

Redkleen RX 400 Radiator Flush Cleaner

Product Description | Product Application | Product Notes| Product DOSE
Other Equivalent Brand

Nulon R 40, Reedkleen RX400 Radiator flush and clean

Short Description:
Redkleen RX 400 ( Radiator Flush & Clean) is a non-acidic radiator and cooling system cleaner that effectively cleans in one simple 20-minute operation
Generic Name:
Radiaator Flush Cleaner
Redkleen RX 400 Radiator Flush Cleaner
Use Redkleen RX 400 ( Radiator Flush & Clean) as a complete cooling system flush to remove insulating built-up sludge and residue before changing coolant in any cooling system. This procedure will ens [+] Read More...
Using Procedure:
Directions for use Note: Exercise caution when removing radiator caps. Release pressure slowly to avoid scalding.   Turn on the heater and add required amount of RX 400 to a warm radiator. Run the [+] Read More...
Future & Benefit  : Cleans fast in 20 minutes Reduces overheating Safe to use with all coolant types No pre-mixing Neutralises harmful acids Reduces mineral scale and sludge Liq [+] Read More...
Technical Specifications:

Physical Properties and Tecnical Specification

Appreance : Liquid
Colour : Clear, Brown
Odour : Odourless
pH : Alkaline
Flash point : Not flamable
Boiling Point   109 °C
Freezing point   NA
Solubility in Water   Soluble in any ratio
Other Grades of Radiator cleaner 

1) Acidic Radiator Cleaner: For Heavy scales and dirt (PH : 1.0 to 3.0)     ::: RXSOL-16-2697-025 ( Acidic )
2) Basic Radiator Cleaner (Conditioner): For Light scale and dirt (PH : 9.0 to 12.0)  ::: RXSOL-40-4051-025 ( Alkaline )
3) Special Type of Radiator Cleaner in powder form 

Redkleen RX 400 Radiator Flush & Cleaner Manufacturer and supplier in Mumbai, Surat HAZIRA, Gandhidham Kandla Gujrat, Chennai, Visakhapatnam, Kolkata, Paradip, Sudan, Nairobi, Kenya, Muscat, Barka, Ruwi, Oman, Fujairah, Ajman, Abudhabi, Dubai, Sharjah, UAE Gulf, Yemen

Radiator Maintenance chemicals and Radiator Coolant Manufacturer and Supplier :

Radiator Coolant 20% Conc. ::: Part No.- RXSOL-40-4045-025
Suitable to add to the cooling water of internal combustion engines for excellent protection against cavitation and corrosion to all metals and alloys that are used in cooling systems.It is especially appropiate for the use in heavy-duty engines such as those used in trucks,  ships and lokomotives. 

Coolant Green RXSOL G 93-94 ::: inhibitor concentrate/chemical which is added to the cooling water of internal combustion engines in cases in which the coolant does not need to be protected from freezing. It efforts excellent protection against cavitation and corrosion to all metals Part No.- RXSOL-40-4021-025 

Coolant 25 Ltrs ::: Useful in preventing cavitation corrosion in high speed coolant pumps having aluminum housing and impellers. This could aid service life. Part No.- RXSOL-40-4004-025

Coolant Premix Redcool ::: premix coolant which reduces cavitation in areas such as the water pump and surface cavitation in hot spots of the cylinder head. The minimisation of cavitation erosion and pitting of heat rejecting aluminium surfaces (eg. behind exhaust ports)  Part No.- RXSOL-40-4043-025
Radiator Condensor Scale Controler::: 
Condensor Dispersant Scale Controler (For Radiators, DG - sets, Closed Cooling System) , Specially formulated for SCALE CONTROL . The stable oxide film that is formed by RXSOL-40-4007-020 prevents corrosion caused by electrolytic action between dissimilar metals used in the system. RXSOL-40-4007-020 has been field tested and found to have no detrimental effects on non metallic substances such as seals, glands, packing, hoses, gaskets etc., normally used in the systems. Part No. RXSOL-40-4007-020

Radiator Cleaner ::: This is specially formulated for use as radiator cleaner. Radiator cleaner removes the dirt, grease, scale, grime & solder from the engine cooling system. Radiator cleaner is a powerful cleaning agent not only for the automobile engine but can be used for the steam tube and boiler tube etc. Part No.- RXSOL-16-2697-025

Engine Water Treatment DEWT ::: Multi-functional corrosion inhibitor for protecting recirculating cooling and heating water systems. RXSOL LIQUID EWT treatment is an excellent treatment for diesel engine primary and secondary cooling water. It is also ideally suited for use in chilled water systems because it forms a clear, non-staining solution, which protects the system from corrosion and hard water scale.  Part No.- RXSOL-40-4010-025
Engine Parts Washing Solvent ( RXSOL - PWS ) :::  This product provides an economical and effective method for cleaning metal parts while being gentle on the hands.  Grease, oil, dirt, sludge, grime, ink, light carbon and similar soils are dissolved with minimal soaking and brushing.  Machine shops, garages, factories, industrial repair shops and automobile make-ready facilities will find this product to be an ideal compound for use in their recirculating parts washer units. Part No. RXSOL-10-1727-025

Carbon Remover ::: Concentrated RXSOL-16-1003-025 is most effective product in its category due to its quick and complete action. can be applied for cleaning of highly soiled components. blocks, gear boxes, pistons, rings, valves, atomizers, pipes, burners, coolers, cylinder etc.. Part No.- RXSOL-16-1003-025

Hand Cleaner Paste, Waterless ::: It is a milky white creamy gel containing natural ingredients, moisturisers, surfactants, and powerful dispersing agents. This is a batter substitute to petroleum products & caustic based detergetns which drain the body oil. ONLY 2 TO 5 grams SUFFICIENT tRXSOL-16-1001-001

Email us to get best discounted price for Radiator coolant and Cleaner in India - UAE Middle East - Oman :

Redkleen RX 400 Radiator Flush Cleaner
Packing Size:
25.00 Ltr.
Available Packing Size:
Redkleen RX 400 Radiator Flush & Cleaner is available in 1 Ltr, 4, 20 25 Ltrs, 210 Ltrs.
#MarineChemical #TankCleaner #OilFieldChemical #ChemicalManufacturer #ChemicalSupplier #WaterTreatmentChemical #ROchemicals #ReverseOsmosisChemical #Dispersant
#Demulsifier #WaterlessHandCleaner #AirCoolerCleaner #CarbonRemover #ScaleRemover #ActivatedAlumina #ActivatedCarbon #SilicaGel #Degreaser_Biodegradable
#DieselExhaustFluid #BlueLiquid #ToiletBlueWater_Juice #RigWash #OxygenScavenger #CoolingWaterTreatment #RoccorNB #CorrosionInhibitor #CalciumChloride #DIwater
#AlumPowder #MagnesiumSulphate #SodaAsh #SulfamicAcid #PotassiumChloride

BTC Zyme

Product Description | Product Application | Product Notes| Product DOSE
RXSOL Zyme BTC is a unique biological active liquid formulation containing specialized bacterial strains, Biodegradable low foaming chemical cleaners and anti foam agents.
Other Equivalent Brand


Short Description:
Unique biological active liquid formulation containing specialized bacterial strains, biodegradable low foaming chemical cleaners and anti foam agents.
Generic Name:
BTC Zyme
How it works RXSOL Zyme  is specifically formulated to replace aggressive, toxic toilet cleaners that can disable the sewage treatment plant by killing the naturally occurring bacteria that are esse [+] Read More...
Using Procedure:
Directions for Use and Dose Rates Use RXSOL Zyme BTC daily as a normal toilet cleaner. Lift up seat, open the bottle and direct nozzle downwards. Squeeze and direct the jet to adequately cover the surface [+] Read More...
Easy to use Biodegradable Suitable for use in all marine sanitary and sewage treatment systems Cleans toilets, sinks, showers, etc. Digests faces, grease, fat, starch and other solid wast [+] Read More...
Technical Specifications:


Green liquid

pH, in conc.


DENSITY, in g/cm3 at 15°C





No known effect


No known effect

Synthetic rubber

No known effect


BTC Zyme manufacturer supplier distributor in Mumbai, Kandla, Kolkata, Vizag, Chennai, India, Fujairah, Dubai, Sharjah, UAE, Gulf, Middle East, Ruwi Barka Muscat Oman, Kenya Africa. Get the best quality of BTC Zyme at a competitive price from us. We have ready stock of BTC Zyme in India, UAE Gulf, Oman, Kenya Africa. Contact us for bulk as well as small orders.

BTC Zyme
Packing Size:
20.00 Kg.Liq
Available Packing Size:

Article News:
#MarineChemical #TankCleaner #OilFieldChemical #ChemicalManufacturer #ChemicalSupplier #WaterTreatmentChemical #ROchemicals #ReverseOsmosisChemical #Dispersant
#Demulsifier #WaterlessHandCleaner #AirCoolerCleaner #CarbonRemover #ScaleRemover #ActivatedAlumina #ActivatedCarbon #SilicaGel #Degreaser_Biodegradable
#DieselExhaustFluid #BlueLiquid #ToiletBlueWater_Juice #RigWash #OxygenScavenger #CoolingWaterTreatment #RoccorNB #CorrosionInhibitor #CalciumChloride #DIwater
#AlumPowder #MagnesiumSulphate #SodaAsh #SulfamicAcid #PotassiumChloride

Water Stain and Deposit Remover

Product Description | Product Application | Product Notes| Product DOSE
Other Equivalent Brand

Super Heavy Duty Hard Water Remover for showers,

Short Description:
Usefull for rapid removal of acid-soluble debris, Hard water deposition, Alkaline films and residues may be effectively removed from stainless steel, porcelain, ceramic tile, grout, sinks, bathtubs, shower stalls, windows, and cooking equipment
Water Stain and Deposit Remover
This detergent is ideal for use in food related industries such as, dairies, canneries, breweries, grocers, ice cream manufacturing plants, candy producers, restaurants, bakeries, meat packers, bottling plants and many other types of food processors.
Using Procedure:
Dilute with water to concentration desired for effective cleaning: Heavy Encrustations: 1:4 Cooking Equipment: 1:20 Ice Machines: 1:15 Descaling Swimming Pools: 1:10 Removing Milkstone: 1:30 Stain [+] Read More...
This product is highly concentrated blend of inorganic, detergents, wetting agents, penetrants, and rinse conditioners for rapid cleaning action. Available in 1 Ltr / 5 Ltr
Technical Specifications:


Water Stain and Deposit Remover manufacturer supplier distributor in Mumbai, Kandla, Kolkata, Vizag, Chennai, India, Fujairah, Dubai, Sharjah, UAE, Gulf, Middle East, Muscat Oman, Kenya Africa. Get the best quality of Water Stain and Deposit Remover at a competitive price from us. We have ready stock of Water Stain and Deposit Remover in India, UAE Gulf, Oman, Kenya Africa. Contact us for bulk as well as small orders.

Water Stain and Deposit Remover
Packing Size:
5.00 Ltr.
Available Packing Size:

Article News:
#MarineChemical #TankCleaner #OilFieldChemical #ChemicalManufacturer #ChemicalSupplier #WaterTreatmentChemical #ROchemicals #ReverseOsmosisChemical #Dispersant
#Demulsifier #WaterlessHandCleaner #AirCoolerCleaner #CarbonRemover #ScaleRemover #ActivatedAlumina #ActivatedCarbon #SilicaGel #Degreaser_Biodegradable
#DieselExhaustFluid #BlueLiquid #ToiletBlueWater_Juice #RigWash #OxygenScavenger #CoolingWaterTreatment #RoccorNB #CorrosionInhibitor #CalciumChloride #DIwater
#AlumPowder #MagnesiumSulphate #SodaAsh #SulfamicAcid #PotassiumChloride

Chlorine Liq

Product Description | Product Application | Product Notes| Product DOSE
RXSOL OXY CHLOR 12 is a sanitizer and To be used to disinfect drinking water that controls microorganisms such as bacteria, yeast and mold. RXSOL OXY Chlor 12 is greenish yellow liquid miscible in any [+] Read More...
Other Equivalent Brand

Chlor 12 , CLF-35 Chlorination, purollux

Short Description:
Clear greenish-yellow liquid miscible in any proportion with water.
Generic Name:
Chlorine Solution
Chlorine Liq
RXSOL CHLOR-12 chlorine liquid is effectively used for water purification of swimming pools, Jacuzzis, sewage and waste water systems for water disinfection and oxidation. Powerful chlorine microorganisms cannot build up any resistance to it.
Using Procedure:
Residual chlorine in drinking water tanks should range between 0,5 and 2 (max) ppm, to ensure wide range antibacterial protection.    For 2 ppm in drinking water tank, USE  20 ml of RXSOL-31-3034-025   for every MT ( 1000 Ltrs )  of water.
RXSOL OXY CHLOR 12 manufacturer and supplier in Mumbai, Kandla, Mundra, Sikka, Surat, Vizag - Visakhapatnam, Gangavaram, Kolkata, Haldia, Chennai, Ennore - MiddleEast Dubai, Fujairah.
Technical Specifications:


Parameters Specification Range Typical

Chlorine Mix

12.5 - 13.2 13.0
Available Chlorine (%wt) 11.9 - 12.6 12.4
Available Chlorine (%vol) 14.3 - 15.3 15.0
Available Chlorine grams/liter 143 - 153 150
Excess Caustic (%wt) 0.25 - 0.80 0.30
Specific Gravity @ 60°F 1.197 - 1.220 1.210
pH 12.0 - 13.0 12.50
Iron (Fe) ppm <0.5 0.05
Nickel (Ni) ppm <0.2 0.02
Copper (Cu) ppm <0.2 0.05
Mercury (Hg) ppb 0.001 - 0.003 0.002
Sodium Chloride (NaCl)% <15.0 12.5

Appearance: Clear greenish-yellow liquid miscible in any proportion with water.
This product meets the requirements of NSF standard 60 for drinking water.


Never use materials without proper knowledge and guideline, Refer MSDS and Technical bulletine before uses of this product.

14 % free Chlorine Solution for Sterilisation of water
Keep Bacteria Free
Suitable to use with Automatic Dosing Pump


Chlorine Liquid Manufacturer and supplier in Mumbai, Kandla, Gandhidham, Chennai, Ennore, Visakhapatnam, Gangavaram, Kolkata, Haldia, Piprpav, Paradip, Ajman, Dubai, Sharjah, Abudhabi, UAE Gulf Middle East, Ruwi Barka, Muscat Barka, Oman, Sudan Yemen, CANADA

Chlorine Liq
Packing Size:
20.00 Ltr.
Available Packing Size:
10 ltr.
Article News:
#MarineChemical #TankCleaner #OilFieldChemical #ChemicalManufacturer #ChemicalSupplier #WaterTreatmentChemical #ROchemicals #ReverseOsmosisChemical #Dispersant
#Demulsifier #WaterlessHandCleaner #AirCoolerCleaner #CarbonRemover #ScaleRemover #ActivatedAlumina #ActivatedCarbon #SilicaGel #Degreaser_Biodegradable
#DieselExhaustFluid #BlueLiquid #ToiletBlueWater_Juice #RigWash #OxygenScavenger #CoolingWaterTreatment #RoccorNB #CorrosionInhibitor #CalciumChloride #DIwater
#AlumPowder #MagnesiumSulphate #SodaAsh #SulfamicAcid #PotassiumChloride

Sewage Water Tank Cleaner

Product Description | Product Application | Product Notes| Product DOSE
Other Equivalent Brand

Bacteria cultivator (for sewage treatment), GREEN ENZYM

Short Description:
Containing specialised bacterial strains, biodegradable low foaming chemical cleaners and anti foam agents.It has been designed for the cleaning of restrooms (toilets), bathrooms,storage rooms, kitchen sinks, collect
Sewage Water Tank Cleaner
Under the strict guidance of our experts, we manufacture and export a  Water Tank Cleaning chemical. Ideal for cleaning water tanks, these kits are immensely used in different industries. Our entire r [+] Read More...
Using Procedure:
Use directly on Tank surface and leave for atleast 30 - 45 minutes to completely reacts with absorbed material of Tank Surface. Then finally flush with fresh water.  Features: High efficiency Easy to use Excellent durability
Further Details: Contaminated water is the most common cause of illness to mankind. Around 60% of diseases caused to humans are water-borne with children below 5 years more susceptible. One of the most usu [+] Read More...
Technical Specifications:
Appearance .................... Yellowish98 liquid
Density ............................ In g/cm3 at 15°C: 1.08
Flash Point ....................... (PMCC)°C:: None 
Metal ................................. No known effect
Rubber .............................. No known effect

Avoid direct contact with Eye and Skin. Highly concentrated product required more water to complete wash.

Sewage Water Tank Cleaner manufacturer supplier distributor in Mumbai, Kandla, Kolkata, Vizag, Chennai, India, Fujairah, Dubai, Sharjah, UAE, Gulf, Middle East, Muscat Oman, Kenya Africa. Get the best quality of Sewage Water Tank Cleaner at a competitive price from us. We have ready stock of Sewage Water Tank Cleaner in India, UAE Gulf, Oman, Kenya Africa. Contact us for bulk as well as small orders.

Sewage Water Tank Cleaner
Packing Size:
5.00 Ltr.
Available Packing Size:
5, 20, 25, 50, 210 Ltr. Also available in 500 ml packing without discount.
Article News:
#MarineChemical #TankCleaner #OilFieldChemical #ChemicalManufacturer #ChemicalSupplier #WaterTreatmentChemical #ROchemicals #ReverseOsmosisChemical #Dispersant
#Demulsifier #WaterlessHandCleaner #AirCoolerCleaner #CarbonRemover #ScaleRemover #ActivatedAlumina #ActivatedCarbon #SilicaGel #Degreaser_Biodegradable
#DieselExhaustFluid #BlueLiquid #ToiletBlueWater_Juice #RigWash #OxygenScavenger #CoolingWaterTreatment #RoccorNB #CorrosionInhibitor #CalciumChloride #DIwater
#AlumPowder #MagnesiumSulphate #SodaAsh #SulfamicAcid #PotassiumChloride

Stainless Steel Cleaner

Product Description | Product Application | Product Notes| Product DOSE
Other Equivalent Brand
Short Description:
RXSOL STAINLESS STEEL CLEANER contains no acids, silicones or abrasives; will not cause spotting or streaking; and resists fingerprints. leaves a high gloss, fingerprint resistant, protective shine, on all solvent resistant surfaces. Quickly removes tarnish and food stains.
Stainless Steel Cleaner
Using Procedure:
Technical Specifications:

Stainless Steel Cleaner manufacturer supplier distributor in Mumbai, Kandla, Kolkata, Vizag, Chennai, India, Fujairah, Dubai, Sharjah, UAE, Gulf, Middle East, Muscat Oman, Kenya Africa. Get the best quality of Stainless Steel Cleaner at a competitive price from us. We have ready stock of Stainless Steel Cleaner in India, UAE Gulf, Oman, Kenya Africa. Contact us for bulk as well as small orders.

Stainless Steel Cleaner
Packing Size:
30.00 Kg.Liq
Article News:
#MarineChemical #TankCleaner #OilFieldChemical #ChemicalManufacturer #ChemicalSupplier #WaterTreatmentChemical #ROchemicals #ReverseOsmosisChemical #Dispersant
#Demulsifier #WaterlessHandCleaner #AirCoolerCleaner #CarbonRemover #ScaleRemover #ActivatedAlumina #ActivatedCarbon #SilicaGel #Degreaser_Biodegradable
#DieselExhaustFluid #BlueLiquid #ToiletBlueWater_Juice #RigWash #OxygenScavenger #CoolingWaterTreatment #RoccorNB #CorrosionInhibitor #CalciumChloride #DIwater
#AlumPowder #MagnesiumSulphate #SodaAsh #SulfamicAcid #PotassiumChloride

RXSOL 2000 Corrosion Inhibitor

Product Description | Product Application | Product Notes| Product DOSE
Other Equivalent Brand

Rodine 231, Rodine 234, Rodine 244, INDION 5547, RXSOL2000 corrosion Inhibitor 10 Ltr

Short Description:
Engine Corrosion Inhibitors and anti scalant which is effective against liner pitting and cavitation erosion. It prevents over heating of engine and thus reducing chances of shut down. It is non-harmful to radiator or heater connecting hoses, diesel liner seals and 'O' label rings.
Generic Name:
Diesel Engine Corrosion Inhibitor
Active Matter:
RXSOL 2000 Corrosion Inhibitor
Application: All types of Engine Jackets, Radiator and Engine coolant. The stable oxide film that is formed by RXSOL 2000-II prevents corrosion caused by electrolytic action between dissimilar metals [+] Read More...
Using Procedure:
Initial dosage for an untreated system is 9 litres of RXSOL 2000 / 1000 litres of untreated distilled water. This will bring the treatment up to the minimum level of 1000 ppm nitrite. For best result and pro [+] Read More...
In cases where systems are contaminated with oil and/or scale they should be cleaned before starting to apply RXSOL 2000 .There are suitable RXSOL BRAND products to carry out the cleaning. Degreasing should [+] Read More...
Technical Specifications:

Benzotriazole                                 14-15%
This product also contails Benzotriazole , which is very effective  effective corrosion inhibitor for copper and its alloys by preventing undesirable surface reactions. It is known that a passive layer, consisting of a complex between copper and benzotriazole, is formed when copper is immersed in a solution containing benzotriazole. The passive layer is insoluble in aqueous and many organic solutions. There is a positive correlation between the thickness of the passive layer and the efficiency of preventing corrosion. The exact structure of the copper-BTA complex is controversial and many proposals have been suggested.

•Heavy Equipment.
•Generators, Marine Engines.
•Ship or Rig Equipment.


It is effective against liner pitting and cavitation erosion. It prevents over heating of engine and thus reducing chances of shut down. It is non-harmful to radiator or heater connecting hoses, diesel liner seals and ‘O’ rings.
Engine Radiator Corrosion protection is achieved by the film-forming ability of the corrosion inhibitor and scale suppressant to keep engines clean and free from scale, and reduce downtime and maintenance costs.
The product protects cooling systems against corrosion, liner pitting, cavitation-erosion, mineral scale deposits and electrolysis

Why RXSOL 2000 Corrosion Inhibitor and Antiscalant?
RXSOL 2000 is specialized formulation of corrosion inhibitor to protect cast iron diesel engine cooling systems
RXSOL 2000 Contains Antiscalant to stop scale and sludge formation 
Keep engine free from SCALE and corrosion which Prevents Engine overheating
RUST formation and Scale deposition damaging the metal surface by pitting and corrosion, RXSOL 2000 helps against corrosion and scale
RXSOL 2000 is compatible with  hoses, diesel liner seals and ‘O’rings
Most popular Corrosion Inhibitor and antiscalant for CAST IRON DIESEL ENGINE cooling system.
Engine Cooling system corrosion inhibitor and antiscalant manufacturer and supplier in India, UAE Middle East, Muscat Oman, Kenya Nairobi, Sudan, YEMEN

RXSOL 2000 Antiscalant Corrosion Inhibitor for Engine Cooling System manufacturer exporter and supplier in India, UAE Middle East, Muscat Oman, Sudan, Yemen, Mumbai MIDC, Hazira Surat, Gandhidham, Mundra Gujrat, Visakhapatnam, Chennai Ennore, Kolkata Haldia, Fujairah, Dubai, Sharjah, Ajman, Abudhabi, Barka Sohar, Muscat

RXSOL 2000 Corrosion Inhibitor
Packing Size:
10.00 Ltr.
Available Packing Size:
10 Ltr.
#MarineChemical #TankCleaner #OilFieldChemical #ChemicalManufacturer #ChemicalSupplier #WaterTreatmentChemical #ROchemicals #ReverseOsmosisChemical #Dispersant
#Demulsifier #WaterlessHandCleaner #AirCoolerCleaner #CarbonRemover #ScaleRemover #ActivatedAlumina #ActivatedCarbon #SilicaGel #Degreaser_Biodegradable
#DieselExhaustFluid #BlueLiquid #ToiletBlueWater_Juice #RigWash #OxygenScavenger #CoolingWaterTreatment #RoccorNB #CorrosionInhibitor #CalciumChloride #DIwater
#AlumPowder #MagnesiumSulphate #SodaAsh #SulfamicAcid #PotassiumChloride

Distilled Water

Product Description | Product Application | Product Notes| Product DOSE
Distilled Water, Battery Distilled Water, Windshield Wiper Fluid, Distilled Water For Home, Industrial Water, SPA & Saloon Distilled Water, Radiator Coolant Water, Laboratory Water, Medicated Water, Aquarium Water and Saloon Distilled Water.
Other Equivalent Brand
Short Description:
For top up in inverter and all types of batteries also Add with coolant in radiator (as per ratio recommended) , and to keep stain free glass add in wiper tank of a car for cleaning windshield
Distilled Water
Different grades and types of distilled water offered by us is formulated employing highly advanced cold process technology. Commercial Distilled Water:  Distilled Water 3 in 1 ( Distilled Wate [+] Read More...
Using Procedure:
MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE ::: The maintenance schedule given here is divided in daily, weekly, monthly and yearly maintenance. The actions to be taken, checks and recording required are given herewith. A.DAILY M [+] Read More...
GENERAL : In order to ensure safety , it is essential to operate and maintain your batteries in accordance with the recommendations in this booklet. a). ACID : Batteries contain dilute sulphuric acid wh [+] Read More...
Technical Specifications:

The products that we manufacture and supply are as per the  following standards:

  • Indian Standard (IS) 1069, 1070, 7029
  • International Standards Organisation (ISO) 3696 grade 1, 2, 3
  • American Standards- A.S.T.M D-1193 grade & types 1,2,3,4

Distilled Water Battery grade manufacturer and supplier in Mumbai, Gandhidham, Visakhapatnam, Chennai, Ennore, Kolkata, Fujairah, Dubai, Sharjah, Abudhabi.

Distilled  Water
Packing Size:
5.00 Ltr.
Available Packing Size:
1, 5, 10, 20, 25, 35, 50, 210 Ltrs packing.
Article News:
#MarineChemical #TankCleaner #OilFieldChemical #ChemicalManufacturer #ChemicalSupplier #WaterTreatmentChemical #ROchemicals #ReverseOsmosisChemical #Dispersant
#Demulsifier #WaterlessHandCleaner #AirCoolerCleaner #CarbonRemover #ScaleRemover #ActivatedAlumina #ActivatedCarbon #SilicaGel #Degreaser_Biodegradable
#DieselExhaustFluid #BlueLiquid #ToiletBlueWater_Juice #RigWash #OxygenScavenger #CoolingWaterTreatment #RoccorNB #CorrosionInhibitor #CalciumChloride #DIwater
#AlumPowder #MagnesiumSulphate #SodaAsh #SulfamicAcid #PotassiumChloride

RX MARINE INTERNATIONAL is most popular chemicals source in INDIA, Keeping ready stock at 5 LOCATION which includes Mumbai, Kandla - Gandhidham, Vizag - Visakhapatnam, Ennore - Chennai, Kolkata more then 3000 types of chemicals. Please click here to get PRODUCT Categories details


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