Product Dose

The Importance of RXSOL-13-1501-025 by High-Pressure Cleaning The job of high pressure cleaning can be done easier & quicker by simply using RXSOL-13-1501-025 in correct dosa -ges. Using a high pressure cleaner alone, without any CLEANER, will not achieve optimal cleaning results High-pressure cleaning primarily refers to cleaning of Hard surfaces, such as Decks, Tanks, Engine-rooms, etc. and in the majority of cases the cleaning is done according to the so-called two-step method:

Step 1 : Spraying the RXSOL-13-1501-025 over the area to be cleaned.
Step 2 : Washing down the area using a high-pressure water jet After the RXSOL-13-1501-025 has been sprayed on the surface and before

The wash down begins, the chemicals penetrates & thoroughly moistens dirt & other grime. During wash down, the RXSOL-13-1501-025 thoroughly dissolves the particles of dirt, even oil and fat, in the water spray and thus achieves optimal cleaning results. In addition to being more effective, the use of RXSOL-13-1501-025 substantially reduces the time required for the Cle -aning operation, as well as preventing dirt from reforming on the surface. The use of RXSOL-13-1501-025 in correct dosages is half the job done. 3 Pieces of Good Advice Apply RXSOL-13-1501-025 on dry surface where possible!A dry surface will absorb far better than a wet surface.When applying RXSOL-13-1501-025 on vertical surfaces: Start application from the bottom and work upwards! If beginning from the top and going downwards, theRXSOL-13-1501-025 may produce "channels" down the surface, thereby running too fast off the surface. During high pressure cleaning:It is important that the rinsing water does not run over non-cleaned surfaces! The rinsing water can draw soap from the surface if running over non-cleaned surfaces. High pressure together with optimum concentration of RXSOL-13-1501-025 will  give  the  best  effect.

RXSOL-13-1501-025 should be mixed with warm water at a rate of 50-200 ml per 10 litres.i.e.1cup of RXSOL-13-1501-025  to a bucket of water. RXSOL-13-1501-025 solution can be applied simply by mops, brushes or rags,or by dipping the soiled articles into the RXSOL-13-1501-025 solution. After cleaning, rinse off with cold or warm water. Due to high foaming properties, RXSOL-16-1501-020 is not recommended for washing machines. Tank Cleaning Cargo tank cleaning to remove residues of Mineral, Animal, Vegetable or Fish oil, Waxes & Soot from inert gas systems.

Method of Application and Dose Rates:


  1. Direct injection method for tank washing machines. Dose rate 1-5 litres per ton wash water (0.1-0.5%).
  2. Recirculation method. Dose rate 1-7 litres per ton wash water (0.1-0.7%).
  3. Spot cleaning. Hand spray neat or diluted with up to Five parts water and leave for several minutes before rinsing off with clean water.Cleaning of Cargo Tanks to remove Soot from Inert Gas Systems.
  4. Spray RXSOL-13-1501-025 on with a high pressure cleaning machine and use1:6 with water.If used with hand  
     sprayer,spray the product neat onto the surface,allowing1 lit.for every12 m2.Use a5-8%solution in a tank washing machine
  5. Leave for about 30-45 minutes.The surface should be kept wet.
  6. Wash down with hot water (80°C) and check the cargo tank
  7. Repeat the procedure if necessary.

Note: Whenever possible,the cleaning solution should be heated to 60-80°C.If this method is not possible,other conventional methods such as separate rate direct injection,recirulation or hand spraying provide acceptable options.For boiler fire side cleaning,a 10-20 % hot solution, (temp.above 40°C),should be sprayed on to the surfaces to be cleaned.Allow to penetrate for 20 minutes and flush off. For deposits which are very hard to remove, increase the concentration to 50% and repeat if necessary 


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