Product Dose

1. PAC application in the drilling fluid. PAC for fluid loss and filtration controller is ideal, PAC fluid mud can be prepared in high salt medium clay and shale inhibition dispersion and expansion of the shaft so that the pollution under control.

2. PAC workover fluid in the application.PAC prepared using workover fluid is a low-solid-phase, and not because of the solid layer and the blocking of the infiltration capacity of the production would not be harmful to the production floor; and the loss of low water, so that production level to reduce the amount of water, and access to water emulsion will be formed by blocking phenomenon Township.

3. PAC in the fracturing fluid applications.PAC prepared by fracturing fluid capability 2% KCI solution (the preparation of the fracturing fluid must be added) and dissolution performance, ease of use, you can Site preparation, and gel fast, strong ability to carry sand. Osmotic pressure in the formation of low use, and its fracturing effect of the more remarkable.

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