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Price Negotiation for : Dar Al Kuwait Petrochemical Company

This price negotiation is being reviewed by our Sales Team. We will send you response as soon as possible. Thanks for patience.

Last Updated: 31-08-2022
Product Product Code MRP (USD) Quote Price (USD) Revised Price (USD) Desired Price (USD) Compare Price
MPG Antifreeze Heat Transfer Liquid RXSOL-81-1586-210 1,932.00 966.00 966.00 700.00

Price Difference: 266.00
Your Comments:

Please, provide price for Unit Packing of 1000Liters IBC (New IBC Containers) only.

230Kgs drums are NOT ACCEPTABLE. - Updated on 31-08-2022 01:38:14 AM
RXMARINE Comments:

Price Negotiation for : Pacific Marines

This price negotiation is being reviewed by our Sales Team. We will send you response as soon as possible. Thanks for patience.

Last Updated: 01-07-2022
Product Product Code MRP (INR) Quote Price (INR) Revised Price (INR) Desired Price (INR) Compare Price
Sodium Meta Bi Sulfite Pwd. RXSOL-19-1496-025 5,400.00 2,700.00 2,700.00 70.00

Price Difference: 2,630.00
Your Comments:

RXMARINE Comments:

RX MARINE INTERNATIONAL is most popular chemicals source in INDIA, Keeping ready stock at 5 LOCATION which includes Mumbai, Kandla - Gandhidham, Vizag - Visakhapatnam, Ennore - Chennai, Kolkata more then 3000 types of chemicals. Please click here to get PRODUCT Categories details


Mail Us for any PRODUCT related information and purchase inquiry : ( This mail is for customer / Buyer only ) And if you wants to add your hand as a supplier, And if you have volume manufacturing capacity of chemicals, pl. drop your mail at ( This mail is for supplier only )



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